Your school bag or travel bag accompanies you for the most of the day. While shopping for a backpack, you can either buy one with pictures or animations printed on it according to your taste and liking; or you could buy a simple, plain backpack and then decorate it so that it showcases your interests and personality, and represents you. You can accessorize your backpack and decorate it with stickers, markers, pin buttons, washi tape, and custom keychains. There are a series of steps that you can follow to help you decorate your bag.
Make Sections of Your Backpack
Divide the surface of your backpack into different sections. One section can be used for a sketch drawn via markers; you can paste stickers on another section. You can also put pin buttons on one of the sections and decorate one with washi tapes. You have to plan what type of décor goes in what section. You should also count the number of zippers so that you know how many custom keychains you require to decorate your bag.
Sketch out a Rough Décor
You should practice your sketch on paper before permanently drawing it on the bag. You should consider options regarding what you want to draw on your bag. It could be simple mandala designs or even paintings. Once you are sure of what you want; you should practice it on paper so that you do not make mistakes while drawing it on your backpack.
Start Collecting Keychains, Stickers, Pin Buttons, and Washi Tapes
Your backpack should reflect your personality. For this purpose, you should start collecting keychains, stickers, pin buttons, and washi tapes with designs, pictures, and animations that speak to your interest. The best way to do that is to get customized things. A custom keychain will showcase what you like. You can not only choose the design, but also the type of keychain you want while ordering a custom keychain. It can be of metallic frame, rubber, or even acrylic. It’s the same case with stickers, pin buttons, and washi tapes. Hence customized things offer you more choices as compared to the already available material.
Decorate Your Backpack
Once you have sectioned your backpack, planned out the décor, and collected all the material necessary, you can begin decorating your backpack. You should use fabric markers to sketch out the drawing. It is better to use a pencil first so you can erase it if you make mistakes. After this, you can paste your fabric stickers and pin up the pin buttons on the bag. You can also use washi tape to make designs on the backpack. Finally, you can add keychains to the zippers and complete the look of your bag.