written by Michael North on June 03, 2019 at 08:00 am Franklin D. Roosevelt was a true reflection of what it means to be an American. A statesman who implemented the New Deal and what he left behind him, Roosevelt was also one of the most controversial presidents in US history. The man who lead us into World War ll owed much to his critics, not only for his actions but for how he handled them. We know now that he spent more than half his adult life in hiding, but even as a single-handedly lifting a continent and reuniting half of its people at a cost of over a million lives, historians still question whether he accomplished enough to deserve the honor of being called our president. Even now, almost two decades after his death, many Americans look back on FDR as their founding father. This series analyses what we can learn from him about leadership, political activism, and leadership ability.
FDR had an extremely difficult and turbulent childhood.his was the era of the Great Depression and the worst economic crisis since World War ll. He grew up in a time when people rarely talked about how they were going to make a living or survive. So when he became the president of the United States, it was natural for him to talk about how he was going to survive. But he also had a difficult time talking about how he was going to lead. That’s because leadership is a function of how you want to lead. In his words, “The best way to lead is to follow my thoughts.”
So while he was being foisted on the American people as their president, FDR never lost sight of the truth that he was leading an ideal society. The American people had created a new way of life. They wanted a new way of leadership. The question was: How can he bring it to life?
Organize and lead
Organizing and leading are often the same thing. You can lead an idealistic movement by leading an optimistic one. Likewise, you can lead an effective movement by using the same tools that have proven so successful in the past. This means that leadership is at its core a question of organization. The quality of your organization is determined by two factors: how much work you put into it and how well you manage it.
To be an effective leader you must have the ability to organize your people and take charge of your fate. You must be able to take the initiative and take direction. You must be able to communicate your ideas and take risks. You must be able to take care of your family and your group of followers. You must be able to take an active role in your fellow man’s life.
To be a successful leader you must have the ability to lead and the capacity for follow-through. You must be able to respond decisively to your people’s needs and expectations. You must have the ability to inspire and to engage. You must be able to show backbone and respect for those you lead. You must be able to take personal action and not just sit back waiting for the yachts to finish their chore.
Commit to action
FDR was such a strong leader that he was often compared to a king. That is, until the day he died. Even then, we often think of him as a king—an American icon. But remember, he was just 26 years old when he became the first president of the United States. So he was not yet a king. And even as a single-handedly lifting a continent and reuniting half of its people at a cost of over a million lives, historians still question whether he accomplished enough to deserve the honor of being called our president. Even now, almost two decades after his death, many Americans look back on FDR as their founding father. This series analyses what we can learn from him about leadership, political activism, and leadership ability.
## Show backbone and respect
Even as a single-handedly lifting a continent and reuniting half of its people at a cost of over a million lives, historians still question whether he accomplished enough to deserve the honor of being called our president. Even now, almost two decades after his death, many Americans look back on FDR as their founding father. This series analyses what we can learn from him about leadership, political activism, and leadership ability.
To be a successful leader you must have the ability to show backbone and respect for those you lead. You must be able to respond decisively to your people’s needs and expectations. You must be able to inspire and to engage. You must be able to show a positive example to your followers. And you must be able to take personal action and not just sit back waiting for the yachts to finish their chore.
To be a successful leader you must be able to take an active role in your fellow man’s life. You cannot just keep reading those quotes and comments by Lincoln or Roosevelt and think “That’s what I have to do!” But leadership requires a lot more than just following directions. It requires taking risks and having the courage to speak your mind. And while you can never be too careful, you can also never be too venturesome.
From all the information we’ve been given about FDR, it’s difficult to know what to make of him. While he was probably too cautious to cross the line with some groups of people, he was also too eager to take action. All of these factors combined made him a powerful leader. But what is it about him that makes him so special?
That’s the ultimate question. The answers to these questions will help you make the best decision possible for your own life.