MPPSC State Service Exam is conducted for recruitment to various posts in government departments and offices of the state of Madhya Pradesh. This exam is conducted in three stages. They are the preliminary exam, the main exam and the interview.
Candidates aspiring to become officers in departments and offices of the state of Madhya Pradesh through MPPSC SSE should have a detailed strategy. Aspirants must first go through the MPPSC syllabus and exam pattern to strategise their preparation. Tips and strategies to prepare for MPPSC SSE are discussed in the article.
Tips to Prepare for MPPSC
The preparation strategy for MPPSC State Service Examination should be aligned with its syllabus. The candidates have to follow certain tips for prelims and mains.
MPPSC Prelims Tips
The MPPSC prelims consists of two papers. They are general studies and general aptitude. Each paper carries 200 marks and is given a time of 2 hours. The tips for MPPSC prelims preparation are given below.
- Complete full syllabus: Start the preparation early and complete all the static topics of the syllabus comprehensively. The aspirant must revise the static portion of the syllabus at least twice before the examination.
- Current affairs: Questions either directly or indirectly related to the static part of the syllabus are being asked in the MPPSC SSE examination. So, candidates must be ready with one-year current affairs before the examination. The candidate must also prepare the Madhya Pradesh related current affairs like important schemes, projects etc.
- MP specific questions: The general studies paper of MPPSC prelims will have a good number of questions related to Madhya Pradesh history, geography, economy and current affairs. Therefore, the candidates have to cover the static and dynamic portion of MP specific syllabus.
- No negative marking: There is no negative marking in the MPPSC prelims examination. This is one of the reasons why the MPPSC Prelims cutoff is so high. Therefore, it is advisable for the candidates to answer all the questions in the MPPSC prelims 2022.
- Practice mock tests: Practicing more mocks will help the candidates to understand the nature, and type of questions asked in the MPPSC prelims examination. Also, practice previous years’ questions to get an idea of important topics for the examination.
- Revision: Revise the static part, current affairs and the mock papers at least three times. This helps solidify the knowledge and gives more confidence.Please check Latest Website cpanews and soreplica
MPPSC Mains Strategy
To crack the MPPSC mains examination, the candidate must have a good study plan along with study material. Some tips for MPPSC mains are given below.
- Start early: It takes 2 months for the result to be out. After the result, there will be a time of at least 2 months for mains. So, it is better to start preparation for mains immediately after prelims. More practice fetches more marks.
- Selective reading: The market is flooded with study materials. Do not waste time reading unnecessary materials. Stick to the syllabus with a focus on the important topics. Refer government sites, newspapers and credible sources for data. Make your preparation simple with limited sources.
- Practice Hindi: Paper-V of MPPSC mains examination is General Hindi. Candidates appearing for MP civil services must have a good command of Hindi. Study Hindi grammar from any standard book and practice letter, report writing etc., to score well and take an edge over other students. Spend 1 hour every day on this paper.
- Practice essays: This paper carries 100 marks. That doesn’t mean it is less important. Every mark in the examination is important to determine your selection. For essay preparation, read the newspaper daily, make notes with good content, and practice one or two essays every week.
- Answer writing: Practicing answer writing enhances your answer writing skills like speed, relevance, structure etc. Practice answer writing in all the marking formats (3, 15, 25, 30 and 60 marks).
MPPSC SSE aspirants must follow the above-mentioned tips to have an edge over others in the examination. MPPSC notification was released on 22nd December 2021 for 346 vacancies of State Services (Rajya Sewa Pariksha) & Forest Services posts. The online preliminary exam is going to be held on 24th April 2022. Candidates can download the admit card from the official website after 15th April 2022.