It is the question that has plagued every company, large or small, since its earliest beginnings: how do you increase sales? Answering this question is certainly not easy, as the answer may contain clear references to countless disciplines and teachings, or useful practical advice handed down from generation to generation, right up to the present day. Whoever will have to try to find an answer in this particular historical conjuncture, enlivened and disrupted by the arrival of the internet and social networks, will necessarily also have to take into account all the variables linked to digitalisation, to the technological developments that have affected every business process, radically changing the lives and habits of every person on the face of the earth. Technology can indeed be very useful in improving a company’s performance, especially when it comes to sales (including online). The latter can be increased thanks to a particularly effective communication strategy, capable of conveying a large number of ready-to-buy visitors to e-commerce, or it can conquer a segment of consumers that had hitherto proved virtually unattainable.
The function of a website
In order to take your performance – and your sales – to new heights, however, it is necessary to be disciplined, and to understand that the network’s potential can only have an effect if it is exploited correctly, in a manner consistent with the company’s history, values and mission. Before jumping headlong into the world of the web and its fabulous opportunities, one must first understand how it actually works, how useful it really is. A company cannot decide to have a website without knowing how to use it, relying on the reassuring knowledge that it has finally opened a website dedicated to the company. Theoretically, a website built to perfection, with good indexing and a constant formulation of content from an SEO perspective, could produce truly prodigious effects on the quantity of products or services sold by the company, especially if the e-commerce or online shop are located within the same web page.
The role of content
In order to exploit the full potential of your website, it will be necessary to fill it with interesting content, useful material for your consumers, including detailed guides, viewpoints on certain topics related to your industry, and with any other content that can capture the interest of a potential buyer and keep it well alive for a few minutes, until the fatal moment when the cursor of his mouse moves to the e-commerce section. At that point, if the browsing experience has been satisfactory, the user almost always concludes his or her browsing with the completion of a purchase, or another concrete action in support of the brand.
Social media can also be extremely useful for increasing traffic to your e-commerce: through a platform such as LinkedIn, for example, each brand will have the opportunity to share content published on its site, creating posts in which you will insert the link to the content and a short introductory copy, effectively summarising the essential steps. In this way, you will also be able to enhance the company’s reputation with an extremely qualified audience and with whom, with a bit of luck, you will also be able to do some business.
On Internet sites, the most successful content is precisely that which explains in detail how something works, or comments on the features of a particular product or service. Guides and content belonging to the ‘how-to’ category are also extremely popular, because through a few simple words they can solve a problem encountered by thousands and thousands of people. Those who are making fruitful use of this type of content are certainly the portals dedicated to sports betting and gambling, which have for some time now started to publish guides on their sites that focus on the use of different games, all written by experts in the field and other highly qualified professionals. Within the portals dedicated to the best betting sites in China, for example, each user will be able to find very useful guides created by the team of experts at the site’s disposal, who will accompany each user in choosing the betting site that best suits their personal tastes.
Time spent on creating content for websites is never wasted, on the contrary: over time, the benefits will be evident to everyone, and will manifest themselves above all in a marked increase in sales.